Announcements  2024-25


Week of August 12, 2024

The District has developed an anonymous tool for anyone to report information that may be of concern to them.  Use this link to access the form.  You will also soon find this link on the district webpage.  MCUSD Anonymous Reporting Form



August 12

Teacher Institute
Back to School Night 7th & 8th 5pm-6pm
Back to School Night 6th 6pm-7pm

August 13

Teacher Institute

August 14

1st Day of School

August 15

August 16

August 17

Have a Great Summer Break! See you in the fall!!

 Activities Calendars:
Athletic/Activity Info:
Cross Country & Volleyball

Student Athletes are required to attend at least four class periods (not including lunch) in order to attend that evening's practice and/or game/meet.  This goes for all athletes including basketball and wrestling. 

ELIGIBILITY - student athletes should be checking their grades on a regular basis. If an athlete has an  F by 2:30 pm Friday, he/she is ineligible to participate in games/meets the following Sunday through Saturday. 

Please make sure to have an updated sports physical on file in our JH office before the first practice.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS?  Please email Mrs. Jepsen

When changes occur, you will have instant updates. 
You can also find schedules for all activities here
:  Activities Schedules.

MJHS Students get in free to ALL home athletic events. Doors open 30 minutes before game time. Home events do not start until 4:00.
Admissions to most games are as follows:  Adults $3, Senior Citizens & Students (other than MJHS Students) $2
Please do not bring in food or beverages.  Please purchase those at our concession stand.

Important Dates Coming Up:   August 14 - 1st Day of School; August 30 - Early Release 11:10 am; September 2 - No School -Labor Day

Students need to bring their chromebook, charger, water bottle and lunch cards to school daily!  Please charge your Chomebooks at night!

NOTES FROM MRS. SPEAKES:   She also sends a weekly email.

Peer Tutoring: Some of our advanced students will be available to help your student with an assignment or content that they are struggling with during RISE. Tutoring will be available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during RISE. Your student can sign up for tutoring by clicking on the Peer Tutoring link.

Bus Procedures: Please review the informational bus video from our transportation department. Picking up kids in the morning and riding after school is changing a bit this next semester. Video

Student Absence: If your student will not be able to attend school for any reason, please remember to call the school office at our 24-hour extension, 4300. This extension is available round the clock, and we check voicemails daily. Please be sure to provide the necessary information, including your child's first and last name and the reason for the absence.

Students in AM: Students are not allowed in building until 7:00 am. Remember to report to the assigned gyms in the morning before school. You are not to go to your lockers first. If you are to see a teacher or have RISE, please sign out in the gym and check in with morning supervisor.

RISE - Reach Individual Success & Excellence Students who do not turn in an assignment when it is due, will be issued RISE. RISE sessions run every morning Monday/Tuesdays & Thursday/Fridays from 7:00 (or 7:15 when their early bus arrives)-8:00 a.m (RISE will not take place on Wednesdays). If students are not able to finish their assignment(s), they will be expected to return for another session. Parents will be notified by text and phone call if their student has been issued a RISE for the following morning.  The purpose of RISE is to ensure that all students are completing assignments and remain caught up in class in order to learn new rigorous concepts.

PPAC - We have established a Principal Parent Advisory Committee (PPAC) at Meridian Junior High School. The purpose of the PPAC is to facilitate communication between the parents and administration at MJHS to make things even better for kids. We are looking for help on several different levels here at MJHS, including, but not limited to, contributing feedback on current policies, events and procedures or by contributing some new and improved ideas of your own. If you're interested in joining, please contact Jen Speakes at

MJHS PTO Info: We still need members who can step up and make great things happen for MJHS Students & Staff.  The PTO supports our students by sponsoring rec nights, providing funds for teachers' classroom needs, and supporting events like the 8th grade promotion banquet and teacher appreciation week. . If you can help out, please email Follow our Meridian Junior High PTO Facebook page for up to date information. Thank you!

Locks: Please remind your student(s) that their lockers should be locked at all times.  We have noticed some lockers are missing locks, if your students have lost theirs, they can get a replacement in the office for $10.

Just a reminder, your student must be in school at least a half a day in order to attend an after school event. 

Pick up/Drop off: Parents do not need to come into the office when dropping off students, however, you do need to come in when picking your student up early.  Please make sure your emergency contact information is up to date. Those on the approved list must be 18 years or older to sign out a student, per the district policy; the office will not release any student to a person not listed on your Skyward account. Students are not allowed to wait in the office for pick ups, please allow a few extra minutes for the signing out process.

Student Absence: Please call your student in before 9:00; if you do not, you will receive the automatic caller reminding you to.  You can call and leave a message if the office is closed. You have 24 hours to call in an absence.  (You do not need to call each day if your student is quarantined.) If you do not contact the school then the absence is marked as unexcused no notice which is an unexcused absence.  Truancy referrals are required when a student has two unexcused absences.

LIBRARY - For all information relating to the library, visit our website at Library Website

Like the District Facebook page @MeridianCUSD223 to see all of the great things happening at MJHS.

BULLYING:  Is It Bullying?

    • When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that is RUDE

    • When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and do it once, that is MEAN

    • When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it- even when you tell them to stop or show them you are upset, that is BULLYING

      ****Please remind your students this includes things they say/post on social media****